var pt_config = {"base_url":"","domain_name":"","www_domain_name":"","default_return_url":"","oms_domain_name":"","version":"/v2","language":"EN","channel_name":"EU","PrivacyAgreement_url":null,"RegisterAgreement_url":null,"ucv2ContractSinger_Url":null,"ucv2Url":null,"emailRegex":"\\w{2,}(\\.\\w+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\\.[A-z]{2,5}){1,2}$","backgroundImage":null,"PwdSecurityMsg":"
The system has detected that your password does not matchNew password complexity rules,In order to ensure the security of your account, our company will restrict account login that does not meet the new password complexity rules from July 1, 2023.
In order not to affect your use, please take time out of your busy schedule to update your password, thank you.
","PwdSecurityTip":"According to the security requirements of state organs for system accounts, password rules must meet more than 8 digits and must contain more than 2 combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols"}